Back on Track Dog Blanket Back on Track Dog Blanket

Back on Track Dog Blanket

359 kr
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Product Description:
Black dog blanket from Back on Track containing their unique material Welltex.
Convenient to use here and there: In the car, on the go or at home.
Suitable for dogs with stiff muscles or joint problems.
Excellent for older dogs and active dogs e.g. when hunting and various dog sports where you need to protect the dog from cooling down between activities.
Can also be used by humans or other animals. it is only you who sets the limit. For example, you can wrap it around a sore knee or leg, sit on it or why not behind your back when sitting if you need some warm-up. Also great to have in bed and lie on.
The blanket gives you increased circulation in the blood
Warms up the muscles before work or exercise
Can prevent muscle or joint damage

Thickness: 2 cm
Dimensions: 50cm x 68cm Washing advice Machine wash at 30 ° C on a gentle program with detergent, but do not use fabric softener or bleach. Do not tumble dry. Air-dried and can be ironed at a maximum of 50 ° C.